ooo em gggggggg..its june 2020 already..half of the year..realy fast and i dont achieve anything in new years goal..
2020...full with memory and history.
melor injured on end of january...then corona virus attack on mac then we start mco until now..but tomorrow will be the last day of pkp then we will start with pkpp means pemulihan bla bla bla.
when mco start, all bisnes closed..all airlines suspended till further notice ..ops not all..certain airlines still operate for sending cargo and rescue flight and me still work like others frontliner...i never believed that im one of the frontliner coz didnt engganged with saving other people life even i sacrified body care about us.hahaha..
what ever it is, Alhamdulillah,we have a gud leader..our pm,our king n all poeple who involves to solves this virus make me feel proud to be malaysian..alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah
so for now, even goverment already annouce all company CANNOT terminated their staff, but melor is one from thousand of them..waitingg for their termination letter even they already inform, flight will operate again..really hope that this decision will be change and melor still have rezki with that company...on his stage,its difficult for him to get a new job..they have a lot of choice...young and talented coz a lot of people lost their job due this pandemic.
for now, i still relieve coz we no need to pay our loan except crdt card..after october end, i dont know what will happen...but i know Allah have a gud plan for me..insyaallah..